Bike Friends
Photo: Kasper Andersen
Bike Friends is a collaboration across the South Fyn Archipelago aimed at making life easier for our cycling guests.
Hotels, B&B’s, restaurants, and shops can take part in the voluntary Bike Friends programme, offering a number of services for cyclists from near and far. All Bike Friends service stations offer bicycle pumps and puncture repair kits during regular opening hours. Each individual Bike Friends participant can choose to provide more services, including:
- Access to drinking water
- Sale of cycling maps
- Sale of standard-size bicycle tubes
- Sale of snacks
- Access to toilets
- E-bike charging station
- Access to benches for rest and eating lunch
Cycling Maps and Books
If you want inspiration for your trip around the South Fyn Archipelago, you can purchase cycling books and maps at VisitSvendborg (Havnepladsen 2, Svendborg).
- "Cycle map of Fyn" 135 DKK
- "17 Cycle Routes around the South Fyn Archipelago" 75 DKK
Map of Bike Friends stations
In this map you can see all Bike Friends on Fyn, so that you can plan your biking holiday